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Quarantäne Kambodscha


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Wie heissen die einschlaegigen Foren??

Z. B. : khmer440.com
Das Forum ist nur bedingt interessant. Allerdings ist die angehaengte FB Gruppe sehr aktiv und hat laufend Berichte, die sich in ihrer Qualitaet oft sehr stark unterscheiden.

Auf CEO, siehe u.a. link, sind inbesondere die Berichte von PSD-Kiwi zu Visa- und anderen Behoerdenfragen sehr fundiert.

Ich habe nun die schriftliche Erlaubnis (herausgehoben) eines Autors auf CEO seine gestrigen Erfahrungen hier einzustellen und gehe davon aus, dass dies nun so ok ist. Vermutlich werden wohl 1 oder 2 Ergaenzungen folgen, die dann den Bericht noch weiter abrunden. Diese Infos sind z.Z. die besten verfuegbaren. Ich belasse den Text in der Originalsprache um jedwede Verzerrung der Details zu vermeiden. Oft sind diese kleinen Aspekte entscheidend und der Verfasser hebt dies wiederholt hervor.

Re: permission
Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:44 am
From: Doc67
Recipient: xxxx
Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:26 pm
Hi Doc,
thanks for the info.
One question: Would you mind if I share your very detailed post on a German platform? The forum is on THailand and SEA and not many read the cambo section but that kind of current info is really valuable.

Please let me know and thanks again!
Of course. You do the translation though. Always happy to help my European friends.

Just arrived into Phnom Penh

Post by Doc67 » Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:29 am

After what seems a lifetime of talking, asking and planning how to get into Cambodia, I finally did it last night. I am now safely in the Tian Yi Hotel on Russian Boulevard, which after an 11 hour plus a 5 hour flight and a 3.5 hour layover, is absolute bliss in terms of comfort. The food is another matter. Hotel facilities include a closed pool, a closed gym and Chinese food only. It's now 09:45 and there is no water pressure to the 11th floor.

Arriving at the Airport.
The one piece of advice I can give which you should take seriously is get as FAR FORWARD in the aircraft as possible. And be prepared to be a bit pushy and shovey. I was in 10C which was at the front of economy section of the Asiana flight. I had the row to myself and Asiana enforce the no pay-no sit rule, so it stayed that way. The flight was virtually full of Khmers (and some Koreans) with about 10 or so European looking passengers. This was, and still is, a concern as that's a lot of people on board with no pre-flight screening. Khmers don't seem to like paying for legroom seats as nearly all the exit rows were empty including 10 A and B with me in 10C. It costs £35 extra. This is money well spent as I will explain later.

Checkpoint 1
On leaving the aircraft you are straight into the terminal building near the immigration area. At the bottom of the escalator (the stairs are blocked off) you then funnel into two lines - Foreign Passports (on the right) and Cambodian Passports (on the left). The moment anyone is in the right hand lane everyone follows so Khmers are constantly being re-routed into their own lane.

The first check of your paper work is at the front of this line. I was number 8 in this queue and it got long very quickly The women is in full hazmat gear and checks your Covid-19 certificate and insurance and this examination is, at best, cursory. She is much more interested in your health screening card, fully completed.

The normal Immigration card, normally in two sections, is now just one section, and this disappears later at the final immigration counter. The Customs declaration never gets looked at and I still have it with me. But the new WHITE health screening form is important. Fill it in in your best handwriting, including your seat number. This form is used letter and a badly written one slows everything down. The only real interest shown in the your Covid-19 test is the date and she encircles it in pen. She barely looked at my insurance documents.

Deposit Payment
Once through Checkpoint 1, you are then funnelled into the deposit lane. It is well organised and you are in an orderly line. As I was very near the front of the queue when we were suddenly called to go to the counters the first 10 or so all got to a counter without waiting. There are about 6 windows in one booth and another 2 temporary booths set back against a wall.

Passport and money is all they want here and those girls are FAST. Of all the people is Cambodia that seem impressive and in a job that nature intended, it's cashiers. These girls are the premier league of this profession and within 2 minutes (maximum) my $3000 in new crispy $100's had magically been turned into a single sheet of pink paper and a smile. The pink sheet is your receipt. KEEP THIS PINK SHEET handy and quickly accessible. It is needed at every stage of the process.

Checkpoint 2.
Once paid you then turn towards the old wooden immigration booths. These are blocked off swathes of those airport cloth lane dividers. Checkpoint 2 is the old table where unorganised 'tourists' used to stand around filling in forms to get their visas (unlike us seasoned travellers with out long term visas!).

This table is surrounded by random men, without any uniform or hazmat gear, just a cheap mask. They may well be the old limo drivers from the airport now moonlighting as immigrations officials. This is a more detailed examination of your paperwork but it still didn't feel like any proper scrutiny. I first showed my Covid-19 Certificate and drew his attention to the date, my passport number and the fact it was a PCR test. He seemed quite happy to be led through the process and checked the date and gave it little more than a once over. The insurance documents were even less studied. He wanted to see that pink sheet of paper though! He also wants to see your visa. That was it with this guy and so I moved onwards towards the final hurdle...

Checkpoint 3
The next and final immigration stage is now held at the old physical booths. They have had a protective screen installed with a letter box size slot to present your papers through. Unfortunately, it is too small, so, I passed my papers around the side of it - I knew I was 'home' by this point.

I gave him my passport and Covid-19 certificate, plus insurance papers, plus pink sheet. The insurance was pushed straight back with a, "don't need this". The passport is scanned and RETAINED. The Covid-19 certificate is scanned and RETAINED. The pink sheet is returned, make sure it is, you will need it.. Again, no apparent scrutiny of my Covid-19 was made and no questions were asked. I had an invoice and a credit card slip to support it together with the lab report. No supporting documentation was sought. I would of scanned it and posted it soon so you can see the template that seems to work just fine, but they kept it! If I get it back I will post it so you can all see.

Once through Checkpoint 3, you know YOU ARE IN!!. Off to the carousel you go and find your suitcase. Once done it's off to the final fun part of this obstacle course...

The Swab Test.
It is at this point you will be glad that you were first off the plane and at the front of all the queues at the cashier and checkpoints.
Once passed the customs check (two bokes in blue sitting down and ignoring everyone), you then move towards the old exit doors but are then funnelled to the right. There was a crowd of Khmers, the public, waiting for their relatives, right next to the queue for the swab test; a complete farce.

The queue then comes to a head where Khmers are sent off to testers on the left and foreigners (lots of Koreans actually) were kept to the right. There was about 10 people in front of me. Within 5 minutes there was 40 or so behind me with plenty still in baggage hall.

The testing stations are screened off by bamboo makeshift screening, it's all sill a bit haphazard and not very reassuring.

Once you get called to your testing station you then present your WHITE health declaration card. This is the one you filled in with your very best handwriting, remember? All that you wrote, your name, address in Cambodia, your phone number etc will be transferred onto another form. It must be legible. I must confess that mine was not well received and I had to show the PINK sheet for him to take my name properly, plus read out my phone number and show him my Sangkat registration for my proper address. My apologies for all those I held up, but I was not alone in this regard, the data transfer is a slow process.

Then you take a seat for your swab test.

The test is one swab at the back of the throat, quick and painless. The next one is up ONE nostril, in she goes, then a little further than is pleasant and then a twist and out. The swab is covered with some kind of fluid which feels very cool when it is inserted. It is not fun but it is painless and over quickly. The guy that did mine was very good and professional.

There has been some chatter, particularly from those journos in their twitter feed, about this test and people shouting and women crying. I won't call bullshit, but close. It is nothing to worry about, they were very professional - so well done to the testers - I mean that.

Onto the bus

You are then funnelled towards the back doors of the building, the opposite to the normal exit. Onto the bus you go. SIT AS NEAR TO THE DOOR as you can. Being first off it a big advantage.

If you come to the Tian Yi hotel they will spray you with some shit at the door and give you a piece of paper to fill in and hand to reception. I just stood at the desk and completed it but they kept asking that you sit. I played deaf. They keep this form and they also keep the pink sheet and give you a room key. They also tell you that you will get back the pink sheet and the passport when you leave. Make sure you get that pink sheet back, you are going to need it to get your deposit back.

I would stress one extra thing; get your papers in order in a clear wallet, with dividers, and keep it organised. It was very easy to end up clutching various bits of paper and dropping or misplacing them. I would hate to think what a missing sheet of paper would do to your chances f getting through in less than 3 hours!

I landed at 10.35, was through the whole process and waiting for the bus by 11:40pm. I was in my room by 12:10am. And that's being pretty much at the front of the queue for everything.

Be at the front of the plane, get your skates on, take cash for the deposit and keep you papers well organised. That's my recipe for getting through it all unscathed.

And that's it folks. Here I sit at 11am with no food (the food on offer was that same shit as previously seen in photos) and no water in the room. Thank god I filled the kettle at 9am when the water was on and I have coffee.

All in all, the process was a bit chaotic, Khmer style. The scrutiny of the paperwork was not high but do not let that think you can play fast and loose. Do as much as you can to get your paperwork in as best order as you can, and then you will be ok.

I would just like to express my eternal gratitude to @PSD_Kiwi, who's information, and up to date changes of the whims of Cambodian officialdom, have been an invaluable source of help and assurance that I was doing it right and in good shape. I owe you many beers mate.

I will let you all know if I get the all clear (please please God... I will be good from now on!)


Some of you may of read about the English guy who got refused 3 weeks ago because his Covid-19 test was a print out of an NHS test he had. He was sent back to Korea, and then Frankfurt and then London. £3500 round trip. He got back in! He was on the bus with me and we were laughing about what a farce it all was.


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Hier ein paar nuetzliche Details zur weiteren Information.

1) Das erste Document ist ein Foto einer 'Entlassungsurkunde' aus dem Quarantaenehotel, nicht vergessen: er gibt zahlreiche solcher Hotels und dies ist nur eines. Das Dokument erklaert auch wann und wo man den 2. Test durchfuehren muss. Plus die Regeln fuer die Selbstisolation.

1594191085198.png 1594191136393.png

2) Dies ist die Quittung, die man bei der Bank fuer die Rueckerstattung der restlichen Garantiezahlung (3000 USD) vorlegen muss.

1594191364785.png 1594191400364.png


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Eine neue Entwicklung:
Das Soviet-Friendship Krankenhaus in PP, das mit der Durchfuehrung des 2. Covid Test fuer eingereiste Auslaender beauftragt ist, kann pro Tag nur etwa 80 Tests durchfuehren. D.h. die Zahl der Tests hinkt weit hinter der der Ankommenden her. Anscheinend braucht man eine Nummer vom Waechter am Tor um ueberhaupt in die Schlange zu kommen. Wer dies nicht weiss, kann sich die Beine in den Bauch stehen und das fuer nichts. Berichten zufolge sind alle Nummern am Morgen innerhalb von wenigen Minuten vergeben.

Ohne den 2. Test gibt's anscheinend kein Geld zurueck von der Bank, da der Test auch aus den 3000 USD heraus bezahlt wird. Damit ist nicht von einer schnellen Erstattung auszugehen, jedenfalls nicht als Regelfall.

Insgesamt scheint sich das kambodschanische System nun langsam einzuspielen. Die Berichte werden haeufiger und vielleicht gibt's bald weitere Nachrichten zur Verpflegung waehrend der Quarantaene. Wichtig waere zu erfahren, ob man den teuren Hotelfrass entgehen und sich andere Mahlzeiten von aussen bestellen kann.


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Die Situation scheint sich in Sachen Quarantaene ein wenig entspannt zu haben. DIe meisten kommen nach 1-2 Naechten aus dem Quarantaenehotel heraus. Der Trick liegt moeglicherweise beim Ticketpreis. Hochpreisige Fluege von Asiana und Korean Air scheinen relativ sicher zu sein. Malaysia Airways hingegen sind ein Himmelfahrtskommando. Der Grund liegt in dem Umstand, dass Kambodschaner OHNE Covid 19 Test einreisen duerfen. Da werden dann schon mal auf einem Flug 20-30 Kambodschaner aus Saudi positiv getestet.
Ich habe leider immer noch keine Infos zum Hotelfrass und werde einmal nachfragen.

Warum Kambo? Zur Zeit gibt's keine Tourivisas. D.h. die Reisenden haben alle fuer sie selbst ziemlich einleuchtende Gruende. Beruf oder andere wichtige Erledigungen. Ich kann mir jedoch (und leider) nicht vorstellen, dass sich an diesem System vor einer Impfung viel aendern wird, da die medizinischen Vorgaben gleichbleibend sind und die Behoerden vermutlich am eingespieltem Ablauf festhalten werden. Damit ist zu befuerchten, dass diese Infos fuer einige Zeit relevant bleiben. Zumindest bieten sie eine realistische Sicht der Dinge und damit vielleicht eine Entscheidungshilfe. Im Vergleich zu Thailand und den Philippinen ist Kambodscha beinahe paradiesisch was die Konditionen angeht.

Insgesamt wird das Quarantaenethema z.Z. auf anderen Foren kaum besprochen, da anscheinend alle relevanten Infos nun oeffentlich sind und kaum noch Fragen auftauchen. Daher spiegelt das Thema hier sehr wahrscheinlich den aktuellen Stand wider.
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Reaktionen: Alexistda und 1983Kai


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Die Fluege nach PP bleiben ein Gluecksspiel. Einige US Kambodschaner haben den Passagieren auf einem Flug via Taipeh 2 Wochen Urlaub eingehandelt, auf einem Flug ueber Korea gelang dies den Mitarbeitern der US Botschaft. Damit ist die Vermutung, dass hoeherpreisige Fluege ueber Korea sicherer sind hinfaellig. Schade eigentlich.

  • Wow
Reaktionen: 1983Kai


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Ich las gerade auf einem anderen Forum einen Reisebericht eines Australiers. Anscheinend wird die 50.000 USD Krankenversicherung weiterhin von den Flugesellschaften geprueft, obwohl man nun in Kambodscha diese 90 USD 2 Wochenversicherung bekommt. Das wuerde bedeuten, dass diese Huerde weiterhin bestehen geblieben ist. Hoffentlich wird sich dies aufklaeren.
  • Wow
Reaktionen: 1983Kai


Kein anderes Hobby?
8 Januar 2012
Das wird ein ganz neues Gefühl für einige Kambodscha Reisende - statt keiner Reisekrankenversicherung haben sie jetzt zwei.


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Ich kann nur hoffen, dass die Infos falsch waren. Langsam wird's mehr als kompliziert.

Hier wieder ein richtiger Qualitaetsbeitrag unseres Freundes von weiter oben, der seinen Bericht zur Einreise fortsetzt. Diesmal geht's um den 2. Coronatest. Wiederum 'pure gold', weil sehr umfassend und auch klar geschrieben. Wie immer, nur im Original um jedwede Verzerrung zu vermeiden:

I just had my second Covid-19 test at the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital.

TAKE CASH $130 to be precise.

I didn't think about it before going, but this is a testing station for everyone, not just new arrivals for and they do not accept your deposit slip as payment; they do not make any deductions from your deposit. They do not take credit/debit cards. It's cash only.

I left the house this morning with my passport, deposit slip, boarding card, form from the hotel etc. What more could I need? Well, money for one thing. I left the house without a bean on me. It was just a mistake that I realised only when I saw wads of cash being paid over at the testing station. PANIC!!!

Fortunately there was an ABA ATM near the hospital, but it was still a 1 kilometre walk there and back in shitty traffic and heat. Even if I had taken my cash with me, I just assumed the test is paid for by way of deduction and I would not have had enough. I had been processed so by the time I got back with the cash it was very quick.

The procedure is to present yourself at the testing station. No appointment necessary (Pictures below will take you to it with ease.) They will take a photo on their phone of your passport and want your Cambodian phone number. They will take your passport and copy it. They then fill in a form and a number card (for your place in the testing queue out the back) and, once paid, you get two receipts; $100 for the test and $30 for the certificate. This certificate is used for many purposes such as travel to China for example. I don't think I need one but I just got charged for it. Whether I need it for the bank to get my deposit remains to be seen and I will report back in due course.

You get your passport back with the form etc and then proceed to the rear of an old dilapidated hut where there will be people siting around waiting, but not for long. They are not messing around here. There is one room with two guys in the full hazmat suits. Sit - nose - throat - leave, Very quick and painless, like before.

As long as you show up with cash, this whole process is fairly straightforward. I would just mention again that anyone can turn up here, including people who think they have it or have been on contact with others who might have it. It is not just the likes of me who have had two prior tests and been in isolation, thus in a very low risk group. You could well be getting close to high risk people here so... masks and hand sanitizer should be taken and keep your distance from people, you don't know where they might have been.

Getting There, in pictures.

Enter from the Main entrance in Street 271

Walk towards the main building and on the right hand side will be a small entrance to the Outpatients department, go in there

Through Reception, you do not need to register or talk to anyone:

Out the other side and along corridor for about 20 feet and you will then see the first of the RED ARROWS
Follow them...

These arrows will lead you to the testing station which is at the rear of the main building, about 5 minutes from reception








Lady Drink King
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Thread Starter
25 Dezember 2013
Hier einige Lesefruechte zur Quarantaene:
Waesche - 15 USD pro Ladung. Das ist recht stattlich fuer Kambo
Essen - Jemand meinte der Frass fuer 10 USD (40K riel) habe einen realistischen Wert von 6 K riel. Das Zeug kommt aus einem Topf und wird dann abgepackt. Bier 2 USD.

Die Angaben deuten daraufhin, dass der Preis fuer die Verpflegung sich von Hotel zu Hotel unterscheidet. Gemeinsam ist den Hotels, dass bislang noch niemand den Frass gelobt hat.

Generell koennen Leute nach einer Nacht wieder auschecken. 2 Naechte fallen wohl bei den Koreafluegen an, weil die Leute in der Nacht ankommen und die Ergebnisse nicht bis zum checkout am naechsten Tag vorliegen.

Wiederum wurden Kambodschaner (26!) positiv getestet. Malaysia Airlines war einmal mehr betroffen. Kambodschaner muessen keinen Test vorlegen und duerfen ohne zurueckkehren. Aergerlich ist, dass die Fluggesellschaften anscheinend keinen Test verlangen. Dies wuerde das Risiko entscheidend eindaemmen.

Die Situation ist verzwickt. Kambodschaner aus den USA fliegen ueber Taipeh oder Seoul ein. Arbeiter aus den schwer verseuchten Golfstaaten anscheinend vorwiegen ueber Malaysia und z.T. ueber HKG.
  • Like
Reaktionen: 1983Kai


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Doc67, unser Held aus der Quarantaene, hat nun seinen Bericht abgeschlossen. Er bekam keinen Anruf vom Krankenhaus und kein 'certificate'. Fuer letzteres hatte er 30 USD abgedrueckt.

Auf den Ratschlag eines Lesers (auf dem Kamboforum), machte er sich heute auf zur Bank, bewaffnet mit seiner Quittung der Einzahlung (von 3000 USD) und dem Pass. Es dauerte gerade einmal 5 Minuten und er hatte seine Knete zurueck. Er bekam 2757 USD heraus = 243 USD Kosten fuer Hotel, die tolle Busfahrt zum Hotel, einen Test und 30 USD Bankgebuehr. Den 2. Covid Test hatte er, wie oben geschildert, sofort zahlen muessen, 130 USD. Da er anscheinend den Hotelfrass vermieden hatte, waren die Kosten entsprechend niedrig.

Auf verschiedenen Foren labern 'Fachleute' ueber diese 3000 USD viel dummes Zeug. Alles reine Verdaechtigungen und mehr Ausdruck ihrer eigenen Dummheit. Die von Doc67 gebotenen Infos sind alle belastbar, bringen beinahe alle wichtigen Einzelheiten (die Infos zum Hotelfutter fehlen noch), und sind m.E. das Beste, was es zur Zeit in dieser Richtung gibt.


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Und ganz nah am Thema des Forums nun absolute insider infos:
According to witnesses close to the matter people in Covid-19 quarantine are bribing Ministry of Interior officials in order to leave the hotels where they have been ordered to stay in quarantine. The hotels are still being paid from the $3,000 deposit given on entry and are reportedly playing along.

There are several reports of prostitutes visiting people while they are staying in quarantine. The prostitutes are arranged by the quarantine hotels themselves and by guards.

Unerklaerlich bleibt, warum keine Preisliste mit Fotos gepostet wurde. Wie man sieht, ist Kambodscha den Thais in allen Belangen weit voraus.
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Reaktionen: 1983Kai


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Kambodscha erwaegt nun sehr bald die 3000 USD und Krankenversicherungsregel zu kippen - und zwar fuer Experten etc. Da nur visas fuer solche ausgestellt werden wuerde dies bedeuten, dass 90% der Chinesen davon befreit sind.
Andererseits koennte es fuer farangs schwieriger werden. Zumindest einer hat es mit einem Arbeitsvertrag seiner Stammkneipe geschafft. Sobald dort naeher hingeschaut wird, waere die Sache erledigt.


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Zum Vergleich ein Quarantaenebericht eines kambodschanischen Studenten. Natuerlich fallen Auslaender nicht unter diese Bedingungen, dafuer zahlen sie fuer die Bewirtung.
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Reaktionen: massagemaik


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
JAAAA! Weihnachten kommt dieses Jahr ein wenig frueher!!

Hier die offizielle Verlautbarung in englischer Sprache.

Der Teil IV (Seite 4) ist wohl der entscheidende. Ich lese daraus, dass auch Touristen wieder einreisen duerfen.

Die Versicherungsfrage ist wohl nun endlich auch geklaert. Ich habe das link aus dem Text kopiert und Webseite funktioniert. Damit ist der Mist vom Tisch.

ALSO Kambodscha ist nun OFFENSICHTLICH ein Alternative zu Thailand.

Wir sollten die Fluggesellschaften, die nach PNH fliegen in einem anderen Beitrag diskutieren. Fuer die Infos reicht dies hier.




Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Ich frage mich nun, was 'regular traveler' unter IV bedeutet. Ich vermute nun, dass dies einfach alle einschliesst, die nicht unter I - III fallen. Vermutlich ist dies auch noch keine Aufgabe der Visasperre. Jedenfalls werde ich mal bei der Botschaft nachfragen.

Hier noch Details zur Krankenversicherung. Ich hatte die angeschrieben und sofort eine Antwort erhalten:


  • Announcement_Revision_of_Entry_requirements_for_Foreign_travelers.pdf
    1,9 MB · Aufrufe: 18
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Reaktionen: ThaiNoob und 1983Kai


Lady Drink King
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25 Dezember 2013
Ich sehe gerade, dass die Infos, die ich in den vorangegangenen Beitrag einstellen wollte, nicht im PDF, sondern im Text standen. Das PDF bring noch einmal die Fotos der neuen Regeln und war der email angehaengt worden.

  • Health Certificate of Covid 19 Negative
  • Insurance Certificate with effective before or date you arrive Cambodia. Only from Forte Insurance Cambodia.
  1. Period 20 day, price $ 90
  2. Period 1 month, price $ 120
  3. Period 3 month, price $ 250
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Reaktionen: 1983Kai