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Doppelmord auf Koh Tao


Inaktiver Member
22 Oktober 2008
Auf Schalke
noch mehr überraschend ist, das nach vier wochen keine spuren von folter bei der verdächtigen mehr zu finden war........

cool auch, dass man als übersetzer einen burmesischen straßenverkäufer eingesetzt hat, der zwar einen anderen dialekt spricht, aber was soll's, besser als nichts .
ich schätze, die beobachtenden ermittler von scotland yard werden vor ehrfurcht angesicht solcher fachkompetenz, die diesen fall seit tag eins begleitet, im arsch zusammen brechen. :ironie


21 Oktober 2008
Ironien, nahe der sarkastischen Grenze
Geschaeftstuechtig war der Uebersetzer aber.

"The interpreter told Win that his personal money could be confiscated, so he asked Win to give him the money - a total of 4,300 baht -and promised to send it to the suspect's parents in Myanmar," Rassada said. "We will investigate whether that money has really been transferred to Win's relatives."


Inaktiver Member
22 Oktober 2008
Auf Schalke
willst du damit etwa andeuten, der ehrbare suppenverkäufer hat sich die kohle in die eigene tasche GEsteckt ?
kann ich mir beim besten willen net vorstellen, da dies der reputation von ko tao doch erheblich schaden würde........:ironie.


Inaktiver Member
22 Oktober 2008
Auf Schalke
die lösung scheint recht simpel :

The Koh Tao Murders... Simply follow the Electronic Trails...

Perhaps there is great value in what the British cops could follow and observer - - This is what a well-connected and computer savvy British cop should "follow and observe" in Thailand - -

Start with the obvious: The murders were perhaps committed by a well-connected Thai. That is what everyone suspects, so why not start there? Doesn't it appear that the village headman was too keen on avoiding a police investigation of his extended family and friends? To what lengths did he go to deflect an honest inquiry?

It has only been about 6-weeks since the young British couple were slain by unknown attackers. The DNA samples may have been compromised, but the electronic trails are still very warm.

Thai people (..wealthy and powerful and average..) all love their mobile phones and their ATM cards. The British investigators should follow the electronic trails, in order to establish probable or circumstantial evidence.

Even if the Koh Tao village headman and his family have all changed their mobile phone numbers, and opened new bank accounts, it doesn't matter. The local phone company computers retain all SMS text messages, and all cell tower connection data for 90-days. (This is true for DTAC, AIS, etc.) The Thai banking and ATM and CDM data is essentially retained "forever".

The British investigator needs only a starting point. He should start by determining this - -

1. What mobile phone number(s) were in use by the Koh Tao village headman, his son, and their extended circle of family and friends and cop buddies on or about 15-Sept-2014? Start with even just one verified phone number. Follow the connections. Read the text messages. You don't need triangulation data. Just a connection record with one single tower will show where in Thailand was any given mobile on any given day. The text messages, together with the approximate location of the Thai suspects, and the spider's web circle of connections will surely raise a few eyebrows. If we were back in the real world, that is how real police would establish locations and extract electronic information. (By the way, I am not referring to GPS/GPRS data from 3G/4G mobiles. All mobiles, even old 2G phones, leave connection data on the DTAC/AIS computers. Look at the signal strength bar graph on any Thai mobile. When switched on, a mobile phone is continually "connected" to at least one cell tower. Part of the 90-day data retention record is simply the tower registration number, to which that mobile phone is connected at any given time.) (Also, please realize that when you "erase" SMS text messages from your mobile, you have only erased the local copy. The server copy still has a 90-day shelf life...)

2. What bank accounts were in use by the Koh Tao village headman, his son, and their extended circle of family, friends, mia nois, girlfriends, (and cop buddies) on or about 15-Sept-2014? Follow the ATM withdrawals and the CDM redeposits from that day forward. Follow the account-to-account transfers. Follow the money trails. Ask questions. If we were back in the real world, that is how real police would investigate "suspicious behavior" in terms of who was paying off whom from 15-Sept forward...

3. Which cops, translators and other persons of interest were involved with the young Burmese boys in the "Safe House" on Koh Tao? What mobile phone numbers were those cops using on the day that the confessions were "extracted" from the Burmese suspects? The British police should follow the connections from those cops' mobile phones to bigger fish up the food chain. Wouldn't you like to read those Thai cop mobile phone text messages from that day?

It wouldn't take Agent 007 to connect the dots on all of the above, now would it? The media reports that 7 or 8 British cops are here in Thailand looking into the murders. All you need is one computer savvy British cop, and one "honest" Thai translator, and a court order allowing unfettered access to all electronic phone and banking records still stored on local servers.

It ain't rocket science...




Inaktiver Member
22 Oktober 2008
Auf Schalke
ja, aber nach aussage der braunen supercops, können sie jede frage stellen und werden die entsprechenden antworten bekommen zu den entsprechenden ermittlungen, die sie nicht verstehen, lol.

ich denke, dies ist nur EINE sache, die sie nicht verstehen werden.

je länger diese farce andauert, desto mehr geht von dem geliebten gesicht vor der weltöffenlichkeit den vielzitierten runter. entweder merken sie das net oder es ist ihnen egal ( letzteres wahrscheinlich ).


humoris causa
Inaktiver Member
8 September 2010
Ich denke auch dass sie sich mal wieder selbstherrlich gescheiter wie den Rest der Welt halten. Somit dürfte es ihnen ganz streng am Arsch vorbei gehen ....


Inaktiver Member
22 Oktober 2008
Auf Schalke
same precedure as usual ? ich glaube in diesem fall eher net. cameron hat in mailand beim general of fortune nicht interveniert, damit das scotland yard team mit leeren händen heim kommt.
derweil ist anders, als vielleicht im land des lächelns erhofft, die sache auch international noch nicht in vergessenheit GEraten :

My son and his friend told me they were subjected to physical torture by the Thai police and their translator,” Htun Htun Htike said. “The interrogators told them to confess to the crime, and threatened to cut off their limbs, put them in a bag, and dump them in a river if they did not. “The police also threatened to tie the two boys to a tyre, pour petrol on it, and set it alight. My son said they were terrified and confessed. But now that we [their parents and Burmese officials] are present, they can speak the truth – that they did not commit the murder. My son also told me that the police threatened to use Tasers on them.”


schau ma mal, ob so ein großer teppich samt besen im land der freien noch problemlos verfügbar ist, um die sache aus der welt zu schaffen.


Ladydrink iss nicht!
Inaktiver Member
18 März 2009
Genügend große Teppiche gibt es reichlich im Land der Freien. Zum Beispiel in Banglamung, in dem merkwürdigen Hühnerzüchter-Tempel ist ein riesiger Festsaal, mit einem Teppich, so groß das 100000 Moslems darauf beten könnten. :)

Doch um die ausländische Presse verstummen zu lassen, reicht es deren Webseiten zu sperren.


Inaktiver Member
22 Oktober 2008
Auf Schalke
Doch um die ausländische Presse verstummen zu lassen, reicht es deren Webseiten zu sperren.

ja, vielleicht im land der freien. nur thailand ist nicht die welt, auch wenn es mittlerweile einer der großen, einflußreichen global player ist.


Überzeugter Isaanist
21 Oktober 2008
Paradise Isaan

Diesem Bericht zu Folge scheint die Darstellung in der GB-Presse wohl zu stimmen, dass GB-Beamte sich intensiv mit dem Fall beschäftigen können und nicht wie in der Thai Presse geschrieben, dass sie nur Prozessbeobachter sein dürfen.

Auf deren Bericht bin ich gespannt, werde ihn aber sicher nur in der GB-Presse lesen. In Th wird man wahrscheinlich lesen können: Die GB-Beamten waren begeistert von der gründlichen Arbeit der Th-Ermittler.


Geistig verwirrt und kriminell
Inaktiver Member
10 November 2010
Ist aber immer noch Nr. 46 von 47 Hotels auf Koh Tau. :hund2


Überzeugter Isaanist
21 Oktober 2008
Paradise Isaan