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25 September 2015
ASIEN (Bangkok/Manila)
Und es geht abwärts:

Duterte hat kein Problem damit, mit dem Diktator Idi Amin verglichen zu werden: Digong says he doesn’t mind being likened to Idi Amin

Digong says he doesn’t mind being likened to Idi Amin
PRESIDENT Duterte says he doesn’t mind being likened to the late Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada, whose murderous regime was blamed by human rights activists for the deaths of anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 people in his African country in the 1970s.

Mr. Duterte reiterated his intention to end the country’s problems on criminality, illegal drugs and corruption when he spoke to his classmates from San Beda College of Law on Sunday night in Malacañang

Für die Kontroverse zur South China Sea will er Internationale Unterstützung und will dass sich China an die Regeln hält, u.a. das Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen ist Duterte aber egal: Rody won’t honor Paris climate pact

Rody won’t honor Paris climate pact
PRESIDENT Duterte on Monday said his administration would not honor the historic Paris Agreement on climate change that the Philippines adopted along with about 200 countries in December 2015, saying the covenant was “stupid” and “absurd.”

The tough-talking President said the international treaty, signed by countries that participated in the 21st Conference of Parties in France, would only limit the country’s industrial growth.

China + Internationales Recht - wohl auch keine passende Kombination: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/796980/zambales-execs-ask-fishermen-to-keep-calm

Zambales execs ask fishermen to keep calm
NUKE-CAPABLE BOMBER OVER SCARBOROUGH China flies a nuclear-capable H-6K bomber over Scarborough Shoal days after an international tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines in its maritime dispute with China over the West Philippine Sea. The photo was posted on the Chinese social media site Weibo.
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Reaktionen: keckus und skippy


The Boxing Kangaroo
Thread Starter
Thread Starter
6 Mai 2009
@ NAIA geschlossen nach Unfall

Gestern musste der NAIA Airport geschlossen werden nachdem sich Asphalt von der Rollbahn gelöst hatte . Eine B 744 der EVA air war beschädigt worden nachdem sie nach der Landung zum Gate rollen wollte . Ersten Untersuchungsergebnissen nach soll eine falsche Asphaltmischung die die Last so schwerer Flugzeuge nicht aushält bei Erneuerungsarbeiten verwendet worden sein ......

Accident: Eva B744 at Manila on Jul 18th 2016, runway asphalt punctures flaps during landing
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Reaktionen: Rened und Bayern-Pete


The Boxing Kangaroo
Thread Starter
Thread Starter
6 Mai 2009
@ Frühere Präsidentin wieder auf freiem Fuss

Das oberste Gericht hat die wegen Plünderung von Staatseigentum inhaftierte frühere Präsidentin Gloria Arroyo frei gesprochen und aus dem Hausarrest entlassen .

SC acquits Gloria Arroyo of plunder, sets her free
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Reaktionen: Bayern-Pete


Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
25 September 2015
ASIEN (Bangkok/Manila)
Mittlerweile wurden im Anti-Drogen-Kampf bereits über 500 Leute getötet:

Das wichtigste Gefängnis wird endlich von Spezialkräften der Polizei übernommen und natürlich wurden erstmal immer noch verbotene Gegenstände, Geld etc. gefunden:

Am Montag steht dann mit der jährlichen SONA (State of the Nation) Rede von Duterte das nächste wichtige Ereignis an. In der SONA gibt es üblicherweise eine Rückschau auf das letzte Jahr und die Ankündigung von Plänen für die nächsten 12 Monate.


Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
25 September 2015
ASIEN (Bangkok/Manila)
SONA Rede von Duterte am Montag: Bolder by the day

Bolder by the day
On Monday, President Duterte will deliver his first State of the Nation Address with some very real numbers to back him. From July 1 to 19, or the first three weeks of his centerpiece campaign against crime and the scourge of illegal drugs, police reports say some 103,375 suspected drug users and pushers have surrendered, about 30,000 of them in Central Luzon alone; nearly 3,000 persons have been arrested; and 194 drug suspects have been killed in purported legitimate operations. ... But the picture will not be complete if the Duterte administration fails to acknowledge the other numbers that his war on crime has spawned: As of Thursday, according to the list compiled by this paper, 331 killings have been recorded since June 30, the President’s assumption to office, and 378 since May 10, when he won the presidency.

Drug killings now up to 11 per day

Drug killings now up to 11 per day
On July 20, the PNP reported 207 suspected drug offenders getting killed in police operations, meaning an additional 32 deaths were recorded in two days.
An average of 11 people were killed daily based on PNP statistics of 239 deaths in the first 22 days of the Duterte administration.

Noch mehr SONA: SONA to ‘awaken the patriot’ in Pinoys

SONA to ‘awaken the patriot’ in Pinoys
It’s a 38-minute address written by the President himself, and he expects the speech to stir the patriotism of every Filipino.
President Duterte will deliver today his much-anticipated first State of the Nation Address (SONA), which Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said was so stirring it moved him to tears.
“The address of the President, personally written by the President, will be a very powerful speech that will awaken the patriot in every Filipino,” Andanar told a press conference yesterday in Davao City.

Chinesen werden trotz internationalem Urteilsspruch gegen sie immer dreister: China publishes new map

China publishes new map
China has published a new map of the entire country including the islands in the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea) in order to “better show” its territorial claim over the region. The government-run Xinhua news agency of China published photos of the map made by Hunan Map Publishing House and said in the caption “Islands in South China Sea share the same scale with mainland and are better shown than traditional maps.”


Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
25 September 2015
ASIEN (Bangkok/Manila)
In seiner SONA Rede zur Lage der Nation am Montag hat Duterte eine große Anzahl an Themen angesprochen: Gewalt, Korruption, Infrastrukturprobleme, Mindanao, Steuern etc. und zum Großteil wurde dies vor Ort und im Land positiv aufgenommen. Avisiert waren für die Rede 38 Minuten, mit einigen Abweichungen von der Rede sind es dann 1 1/2h geworden:

SONA: Duterte - No Stopping war vs. Drugs

SONA in 4 Minuten statt 90 Minuten

Und hier komplett:



Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
25 September 2015
ASIEN (Bangkok/Manila)
Duterte droht damit Unternehmen zu schließen, die die ENDO-Praktik nicht aufgeben (= Zeitarbeit auf 5 Monate ohne Absicherung der Arbeitnehmer, Aufsstiegschancen, nur Mindestlohn etc. > auch damit sind die Firmen-Kongolomerate wie SM und Ayala in PI groß geworden) :

Landesweite Notruf-Hotline 911 jetzt aktiv, die Hotline 8888 für die Meldung von Korruption/Beschwerden kommt:



Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
25 September 2015
ASIEN (Bangkok/Manila)
Hier gibt es noch mehr Fotos zu dem völlig überfüllten Gefängnis in Quezon City: 3,800 Inmates Crammed Into a Philippine Jail Built for 800

3,800 Inmates Crammed Into a Philippine Jail Built for 800 - The Atlantic
The new president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, assumed office on June 30, quickly ordering a renewed crackdown on illegal drugs and drug-related crimes. The immediate results have been more than 400 deaths, and thousands of arrests, driving more prisoners into an already crowded and strained system. For example, in Manila’s Quezon City jail, 3,800 inmates are now stuffed into a facility built to house just 800.

Thailands The Nation dazu: Philippines urged to act on jail 'purgatory' - The Nation

Philippines urged to act on jail 'purgatory' - The Nation
Images of hellish conditions at an overcrowded Philippines jail triggered calls Thursday from lawmakers and rights groups for swift reforms to the penal system which is under strain from an anti-drugs crackdown.
AFP photographs of the Quezon City Jail, where thousands of inmates are forced to sleep on stairs or on cracked cement floors in unimaginable squalor, highlighted the crisis which is worsening under President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on crime.
"It’s an image straight out of Dante’s ’Purgatory’," Human Rights Watch said, referring to the 13th century Italian writer’s description of the realm where souls await judgement.
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Reaktionen: neitmoj und skippy