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Die Schlacht hat begonnen - unbemerkt von der Masse

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ฉัน Berliner
Inaktiver Member
10 Mai 2009
Aus "TIP" vom 19.05.2010

Truppen rücken in besetztes Viertel vor

In der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok haben bewaffnete Truppen damit begonnen, die Barrikaden vor dem besetzten Geschäftsviertel einzureißen. Mit gepanzerten Fahrzeugen und Wasserwerfern bezogen sie zunächst im Umkreis des oppositionellen Protestcamps Stellung und setzten dann Tränengas ein, um weiter vorzurücken. Es wurde scharf geschossen. Tausende Demonstranten haben sich nach wie vor in dem umkämpften Viertel verschanzt.



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2 Mai 2009
Seit 11 Jahren in Pattaya
Die meisten Red Shirt Leader auf der Flucht -- Nattawuth will "bis zum Ende" kaempfen.

Red Shirt Leaders Flee Ratchprasong Stage

Reports from various Thai media confirm that none of the red shirt leaders can be seen backstage at the Ratchprasong intersection. Among the leaders believed to have fled the scene are Arisman Phongruerngrong, Weng Thojirakan, Charan Dista-apichai, and Suporn Attawong. Arisman was reportedly seen getting into a white Toyota Yaris and fleeing via the Pratunam area. The other two main leaders have not been seen. Reports that the leaders fled followed developments at the Sarasin intersection as military personnel were able to reclaim the area. After exchanging fire with protesters at the Sarasin barricade, soldiers were able to clear and reclaim the intersection, which leads directly into the Ratchprasong stage. It is believed that leaders had decided at that time to flee.

Reports indicate that some protesters have approached authorities indicating that they would like to go home. One red shirt leader, Nutthawut Saikua, has since appeared on stage at around 11 A.M. confirming that he will fight at Ratchprasong to the end. Reports indicate that Jatuporn Phrompan and Kwanchai Praipana are still backstage.

The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situations has confirmed that some red shirt leaders have indeed fled. Authorities are asking the public to inform officials if the leaders are seen anywhere. The CRES hotline is 02-551-1515. CRES also made it clear that any protesters with the intent of going home can do so by walking to the Pratumwan intersection, on to the National Stadium where transportation has been prepared.


Überzeugter Isaanist
21 Oktober 2008
Paradise Isaan
So langsam fängt es an:

In Udon brennt die City Hall (lt, Thai TV) und die Demonstranten verhindern erfolgreich, daß die Feuerwehr zum Brandherd gelangen kann.

Khon Kaen steht kurz davor.

Jetzt ist langsam Koffer packen angesagt. Einfach nur noch traurig!


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2 Mai 2009
Seit 11 Jahren in Pattaya
TAN: 7 red leaders to surrender: Jatuporn, Nutthawut, Weng, Jeng Dokjik, Korkeaw,Wiputalang, Nisit

Will Herr Nattawuth dann jetzt doch nicht "bis zum Ende" kaempfen - ist ja immer leicht gesagt.

HOT: Red-leaders Inc. Jatuporn Promphan to Turn Themselves in

Reports indicate that key leader of the red-shirt movement Jatuporn Promphan is expected to turn himself in at the National Police Office. Key Pheu Thai MPs will act as witnesses to ensure the safety of the red-shirt leader.
Other key leaders also expected to turn themselves in incl. Nuttawut Saigua, Weng Tojirakarn and Pramuan Chuglor who's also known as Jeng Dokjik.


Member Inaktiv
Inaktiver Member
8 Februar 2010
Wo machst du Urlaub ?

im Lumpinipark zelten würde ich zur Zeit abraten..........


Eigentlich wollte ich nach Koh Chang, "ein paar Tage in Bangkok" und den Hauptteil in Pattaya verbringen. Aber aller Anschein wird das sehr sehr sehr schwer...


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2 Mai 2009
Seit 11 Jahren in Pattaya
AFP: Elite Thai Troops deployed in Bangkok have been authorised to shoot sight people looting, committing arson or inciting unrest....,are authorized to shoot immediately," said police spokesman Major General Piya Uthayo.

Ich denke, das muss nun wirklich nicht mehr uebersetzt werden.


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2 Mai 2009
Seit 11 Jahren in Pattaya
'M16 fire Down Pleonchit now, towards Pratunam, and more BIG Explosions at Chidlom.' /via @beejoir

Jatuporn: We have struggled so long together, but we don't know how many more will die. /via @terryfrd

Jut:Our struggle is not finished, bt we cannot allow you here to give your lives for us today. (Crowd is protesting). Let's end the killing.

This is not really a surrender and I know you are against this, Jatuporn says, but I'm going to the police station.

Jut:For us, leaders, death is not an issue, but we don't want you to die. I know you are hurting. We are hurting too. (Crowd is crying)

Nutthawut: today is another day that we have to make a difficult decision; we tried our best for Thailand to belong truly to the people

We will have to wait for another chance. I declare we are ending the rally at this site, but not our struggle. Nattawud announces.

Nattawud: I know you can't accept, but we have assessed the situation thoroughly. (Police entering area in force with shields)

Nattawud: our fight will proceed according to democracy;I know you don't want to hear this but we cannot hold off the situation

TNN: Leaders are on stage, crowd is shouting and booing as they speak. Police are building up outside ready to move in.

TNN: Leaders are on stage, crowd is shouting and booing as they speak. Police are building up outside ready to move in.

TNN: As they surrender, many of the red crowd are screaming at them, crying and shreeking as they speak to all the redshirts at Ratchprasong

Nutthawut: please leave gathering and head to Natl Stadium;our guards will ensure your safe passage home

TNN: A bomb sound goes off and the news channel cuts back to the station

Red stage is empty. No leaders were injured but we can hear many explosions.

TNN says there have been 8 M79 explosions in area. /v @terryfrd

TNN: Red leaders on the way to the Police station. The press are crowding around them!

HOT: Red-shirt Leaders to Stop Deaths/Injuries to Regroup in Future
The key red-shirt leaders have taken the red-shirt stage and called for an end to the red-shirt rally to put an end to the deaths and injuries. But reiterated that the 'fight' of the red-shirt movement will not stop, adding that the 'fight' will be carried on via democratic means.

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Member Inaktiv
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3 Mai 2009
Neu Isenburg
Ich denke jetzt wird es Zeit das die Rothemden

die weißen Friedensfahnen in Bangkok rausholen

und die Ganze Sache am runden Tisch regeln.

siehe Thairath Übersetzung:




Member Inaktiv
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28 Oktober 2008
Den schlimmsten haben sie noch vergessen.

Ich dachte immer, dass die auch die Personen für das Riesengebäude in BKK haben, wo Thai Military Intelligence dransteht.

Kuppi 2010

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28 März 2010
Bad-Taya Schael Sick.
Habe soeben eine Mail der Deutschen Botschaft aus Bangkok erhalten das die Roten Ihre Demontrationen fuer Beendet Erklaert haben. Alles wird gut.Gruss Kuppi :daume
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