Ich beobachte auch seit ein paar Wochen die Flugverspätungen DOH -> BKK und hier besonders den QR836 - planmäßiger Abflug: 02:20 -> Ankunft 13:10
In letzter Zeit unwesentliche Verspätungen (7 - 30 Min.) aber heute (11.09.) um 19:34 Uhr gestartet = 17 Std. 14 Min zu spät und ist estimated für ca. 06:00 Uhr morgen früh.
Was da wohl los war? Vermute mal technische Probleme.
@gmb welchen Qatar Thread meinst du? Diesen hier?
yepp diesen hier , und was wir doch für Glück hatten bei unseren Flügen, es waren genau der von Dir angesprochene!
Jedes mal der QR836, und genau wegen diesem hatte ich Qatar angemailt und was für eine bescheuerte Antwort erhalten...
Die haben nicht einmal mitbekommen das unser Flug an diesem Tag annähernd pünktlich war, ich hatte die einfach vorher als Platin-Card Kunde angeschrieben
und gefragt was los ist bei der "besten Airline der Welt"
We are sorry to learn of the delay to your flight QR836/15 August 2022, which was scheduled to operate from Doha to Bangkok.
We understand the inconvenience that you encountered and can fully appreciate how unsettling this situation must have been. Although every effort is made to achieve on time departures/arrivals, there are occasions when flights are delayed due to circumstances beyond our control as it unfortunately happened with QR836, which was due to medical reasons. Qatar Airways puts paramount importance on the safety of our passengers and staff in our daily operation. As such, you will appreciate the fact that we will only operate our flights when it is safe to do so.
Whilst we seek your kind understanding that disruptions of this nature can be totally unforeseen and beyond our control, we would like to reassure you that every effort is made to ensure the prompt operation of all our flights and to minimize any potential disruption which may be caused to our valued customers' travel plans.
The airline industry and its operations are notoriously affected by multiple uncontrollable factors and for this reason timings are not guaranteed. However, we take comments such as yours seriously as these as these are taken into account in our continuous desire to provide the best possible service and improvement. You can rest assured that we have shared your comments to the relevant departments for their information and any service improvement which may be required.
We know you as valued customer have every right to expect the best service from Qatar Airways and we thank you for taking the time to write to us about your feedback as these are vital to us to continue improving our services.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours Sincerely,
Siegrid Morales
Customer Care Officer