Jo, schon klar, soweit so gut. Was du nicht weisst, ist, dass ich das Mädel vor dem kanadischen Post gewarnt habe. Das wäre nicht gut für ihr image. Er hat nämlich gesagt, dass sie eine verkappte Pattaya Nutte wäre.
Trotz ihres guten English hat sie das kanadische Post nicht verstanden und es einfach stehen lassen. Mich hat das stutzig gemacht. Ich habe ihr daraufhin erklärt, dass dies nicht unbedingt positiv für ihr "image" sei. Daraufhin hat sie zögernd das post gelöscht.
Das war das erste mal, dass sie auf mich gehört hat, obwohl ich nicht bei ihr angebissen habe. Demnächst weiter in diesem Theater.
OK, Jungs. Ich habe meine eigene Agenda. Die kann ich aber jetzt noch nicht verraten. Ich habe ihr aber ein paar Tips gegeben:
"wi: Dear Tongrung,
I don't know why, but I started to think about you and your way, you approach new contacts. Your English seems to be very good and I am optimistic that you understand what I am going to say now. I am good hearted (I think) and I want he best for you.
My advice is that you don't be so DIRECTLY so quickly. Men don't like this usually and most of them get afraid quickly and stop contacting you. You are a very direct woman and come to the point quickly, but a relationship has to develop.
I tend to understand that you want to separate your contacts from the guys, who are just looking for a sexual adventure. And sexy and beautiful you are. djin djin.
I would skip this part of your response, because it's too early for "first contacts".
"- How much is your pension?
- Can you settle down with me in my village?
I live with my father, sister, 1 son, include me is 4 people in a house. When we like each other, we want to live together alone. If you can invest to buy a piece of land in my village and build a house. I am happy very much because I am sure in you. The land in my village not expensive. But the land in the southern of Thailand is very expensive because it is near the sea. A lot of farangs bought a piece of land and build a house there. I know you cannot be own property but we can make a contract that I cannot drive you out all your life. I am open mind to talk everything I want to know, and you can ask me about myself everything you wish. Hope to hear from you again soon.
Take care and best wishes.
You are an intelligent woman. I am sure, you understand what I am saying.
To answer your first two questions.
1. I am originally from Germany, but worked in foreign countries for more than 30 years
2. I am in a not so happy relation with a Thai woman. Not married via Ampoe, but traditionally. She is same age you, highly educated and a high paid job in an international company here in Bangkok.
3. I have two kids. Not from her but from my former Marriages. My son (35) has a high profile job in the German government. My daughter (27) just finished university (Chinese economy and law)
I don't know why really I contacted you. But your smile made me "nim" and and touched my heart somehow.....
Ja ich weiss...ich bin ne Sau...ich geb ehrliche Sachen raus, die mir nicht wehtun, aber die Fremde als tierisches Vertrauen interpretieren.
Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden. Sollte sich allerdings herausstellen dass sie nicht so abgebrüht ist, wie erscheint, ist hier Ende der Fahnenstange....
Trotz ihres guten English hat sie das kanadische Post nicht verstanden und es einfach stehen lassen. Mich hat das stutzig gemacht. Ich habe ihr daraufhin erklärt, dass dies nicht unbedingt positiv für ihr "image" sei. Daraufhin hat sie zögernd das post gelöscht.
Das war das erste mal, dass sie auf mich gehört hat, obwohl ich nicht bei ihr angebissen habe. Demnächst weiter in diesem Theater.
OK, Jungs. Ich habe meine eigene Agenda. Die kann ich aber jetzt noch nicht verraten. Ich habe ihr aber ein paar Tips gegeben:
"wi: Dear Tongrung,
I don't know why, but I started to think about you and your way, you approach new contacts. Your English seems to be very good and I am optimistic that you understand what I am going to say now. I am good hearted (I think) and I want he best for you.
My advice is that you don't be so DIRECTLY so quickly. Men don't like this usually and most of them get afraid quickly and stop contacting you. You are a very direct woman and come to the point quickly, but a relationship has to develop.
I tend to understand that you want to separate your contacts from the guys, who are just looking for a sexual adventure. And sexy and beautiful you are. djin djin.
I would skip this part of your response, because it's too early for "first contacts".
"- How much is your pension?
- Can you settle down with me in my village?
I live with my father, sister, 1 son, include me is 4 people in a house. When we like each other, we want to live together alone. If you can invest to buy a piece of land in my village and build a house. I am happy very much because I am sure in you. The land in my village not expensive. But the land in the southern of Thailand is very expensive because it is near the sea. A lot of farangs bought a piece of land and build a house there. I know you cannot be own property but we can make a contract that I cannot drive you out all your life. I am open mind to talk everything I want to know, and you can ask me about myself everything you wish. Hope to hear from you again soon.
Take care and best wishes.
You are an intelligent woman. I am sure, you understand what I am saying.
To answer your first two questions.
1. I am originally from Germany, but worked in foreign countries for more than 30 years
2. I am in a not so happy relation with a Thai woman. Not married via Ampoe, but traditionally. She is same age you, highly educated and a high paid job in an international company here in Bangkok.
3. I have two kids. Not from her but from my former Marriages. My son (35) has a high profile job in the German government. My daughter (27) just finished university (Chinese economy and law)
I don't know why really I contacted you. But your smile made me "nim" and and touched my heart somehow.....
Ja ich weiss...ich bin ne Sau...ich geb ehrliche Sachen raus, die mir nicht wehtun, aber die Fremde als tierisches Vertrauen interpretieren.
Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden. Sollte sich allerdings herausstellen dass sie nicht so abgebrüht ist, wie erscheint, ist hier Ende der Fahnenstange....