Lokale Beamte machten schlechtes Wetter dafür verantwortlich, nachdem die Zahl der Touristen, die am Bali Hai Pier ankamen, um nach Koh Larn zu reisen, ihre Erwartungen nicht erfüllt hatte.

Not many tourists arrive at Bali Hai Pier on first day of five-day-long weekend
PHOTO: บริษัท โสภณ เคเบิ้ล ที.วี.และสื่อสาร พัทยา จำกัด Local officials blamed bad weather after the number of tourists arriving at Bali Hai Pier to travel to Koh Larn did not meet their expectations. Pattaya News reporters reported on Wednesday, July 13th, from the Bali Hai Pier that the number ...