Also ist die Begründung, dass eine Airline den Personentransport wegen fehlendem Rückflugticket verweigern kann, schlicht Quatsch
Behaupte das mal nicht so pauschal!
Ich ziere für dich mal eine Passage aus den Einreisebestimmungen für Deutsche nach Thailand:
Deutsche Staatsangehörige benötigen für touristische Aufenthalte grundsätzlich kein Visum, das vor der Einreise einzuholen wäre.
Reisende werden dann visumpflichtig, wenn sie ihre Weiter- oder Rückreise nicht mittels Flugschein oder Bus- bzw. Zugticket nachweisen können."
Auswärtiges Amt - Thailand: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise
Bedeutet, dass dich die Airline in Deutschland stehen lassen kann, wenn du mit One-Way Ticket nach Thailand reisen willst und kein Rück- oder Weiterreiseticket vorweisen kannst und auch kein Visum hast. Denn dann dürften die dich bei verweigerter Einreise wieder, wie hier schon geschrieben, zurück befördern.
Ich bin mehrfach schon mit einem One-Way Ticket ohne Visum unterwegs gewesen. Und in mindestens 50% der Fälle wurde ich nach einem Rück- oder Weiterreiseticket gefragt. Hatte ich immer, also gab es keine weiteren Probleme. Der Thai Immigration war das bisher immer egal. Die hat mich mich noch nie gefragt.
Und solche Regelungen (visafreie Einreise bei nachgewiesener Weiter- / Rückseise) sind nicht unüblich.
Also immer das "Kleingedruckte" bei den Einreisebestimmungen lesen.
Bei einer Reise mit Visum würden mich solche Reglungen allerdings wundern. Das müsste dann bei den Visabedingungen zu finden sein.
Für Airlines gibt es ein Infosystem für solche Fälle. Das nennt sich TIMATIC.
Hier mal die aktuellen Bestimmungen für die Einreise nach Deutschland, auch hier gibt es Bedingungen mit einem Weiterflugticket. Das betrifft aber hauptsächlich Transitpassagiere:
<b><a href='
KVS Availability Tool: Global Flight Availability, Award Availability, Fares, Timetables, Seat Maps'>[KVS Tool 9.3.6/Diamond - TIMATIC: Country Information: Visa]</a></b>
<pre>[Visa Information] Germany (DE)
Visa required.
Visa Exemptions:
- Nationals of Germany.
- Nationals of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Rep., Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland (Rep.), Italy, Latvia,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
- Passengers with a British passport with nationality British
Citizen .
- Passengers with a British passport with nationality British
Overseas Territories Citizen issued by Gibraltar.
- British nationals with a national ID card issued by
- Passengers with a British passport with nationality British
Subject with a Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of
Abode issued by the United Kingdom.
- Passengers with a British passport with nationality British
Subject without a Certificate of Entitlement to the Right
of Abode issued by the United Kingdom. They are visa exempt
for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a British passport with nationality British
Overseas Territories Citizen issued by Anguilla, Bermuda,
Cayman Isl., Falkland Isl. (Malvinas), Montserrat, Pitcairn
Isl., St. Helena, Turks and Caicos Isl. or Virgin Isl.
(British). They are visa exempt for a maximum stay of 90
days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a British passport with nationality British
National (Overseas) , British Overseas Citizen or British
Protected Person". They are visa exempt for a maximum stay
of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil,
Mauritius, Seychelles and St. Kitts and Nevis for a maximum
stay of 3 months. (SEE NOTE 56249)
NOTE 56249: The maximum stay is granted within 6 months.
- Nationals of Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Dominica, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala,
Honduras, Israel, Japan, Kiribati, Korea (Rep.), Malaysia,
Marshall Isl., Mexico, Micronesia (Federated States),
Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nicaragua, North Macedonia
(Rep.), Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Samoa, San Marino,
Singapore, Solomon Isl., St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the
Grenadines, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu,
USA, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vatican City
(Holy See) and Venezuela for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE
NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a Hong Kong (SAR China) passport for a
maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a Macao (SAR China) passport for a maximum
stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a Chinese Taipei (on the cover: Republic of
China Taiwan) passport with a personal ID number shown on
the bio-data page of the passport for a maximum stay of 90
days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Serbia with a normal passport which is not
issued by the Coordination Directorate (Koordinaciona
uprava) for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Turkey residing in Turkey, traveling to provide
services in Germany. They must have special permission
issued by a German embassy, proving their status. The
maximum stay is 2 months.
- Nationals of Georgia, Moldova (Rep.) and Ukraine with a
normal biometric passport (with an electronic chip symbol on
the cover) for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a British emergency or temporary passport.
- Nationals of Gabon, Kuwait, Mongolia, Oman and Qatar with a
diplomatic biometric passport (with an electronic chip
symbol on the cover) for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE
NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Cape
Verde, Chad, China (People's Rep.), Ecuador, Georgia, Ghana,
India, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Moldova (Rep.),
Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Fed.,
Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine
with a diplomatic passport for a maximum stay of 90 days.
(SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Bolivia, Ecuador, Philippines, Serbia and
Thailand with an official passport for a maximum stay of 90
days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Moldova (Rep.) with an official biometric
passport (with an electronic chip symbol on the cover) for a
maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chad, Ghana, Philippines
and Turkey with a service passport for a maximum stay of 90
days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Georgia, Moldova (Rep.), Oman and Ukraine with
a service biometric passport (with an electronic chip symbol
on the cover) for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Turkey with a special passport for a maximum
stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Nationals of Kuwait, Oman and Qatar with a special biometric
passport (with an electronic chip symbol on the cover) for a
maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a residence permit issued by Germany.
- Passengers with a Temporary Residence Permit
(Fiktionsbescheinigung) issued by Germany. They must hold
the expired resident permit and a valid passport. The third
box on the Temporary Residence Permit must be ticked.
- Passengers with a residence permit issued by Monaco or
another Schengen Member State [[TIRGL/SCHN]] for a maximum
stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a D visa issued by another Schengen Member
State [[TIRGL/SCHN]] for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Family members of a national of an EEA Member State or
Switzerland, with a residence permit issued by Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Romania or United Kingdom
to family members of a Union Citizen. They are visa exempt
for a maximum stay of 90 days.
- Passengers with a Travel Document (Convention of 28 July
1951) issued to refugees by Germany.
- Passengers with a Travel Document (Convention of 28
September 1954) issued to stateless persons by Germany.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Germany.
- Passengers with a US Travel Document (Form I-571), valid for
at least 4 months from date of arrival, issued to refugees
for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a Travel Document (Convention of 28 July
1951), valid for at least 4 months from date of arrival,
issued to refugees by Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda,
Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Brunei
Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong (SAR China), Israel, Japan,
Korea (Rep.), Macao (SAR China), Malaysia, Mauritius,
Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,
San Marino, Seychelles, Singapore, St. Kitts and Nevis,
Switzerland, Uruguay, Vatican City (Holy See), Venezuela or
another EEA Member State [[TIRGL/EEA]] for a maximum stay of
90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a Travel Document (Convention of 28
September 1954), valid for at least 4 months from date of
arrival, issued to stateless persons by Andorra, Antigua and
Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil,
Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong (SAR China), Israel, Japan,
Korea (Rep.), Macao (SAR China), Malaysia, Mauritius,
Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,
San Marino, Seychelles, Singapore, St. Kitts and Nevis,
Switzerland, Uruguay, Vatican City (Holy See), Venezuela or
another EEA Member State [[TIRGL/EEA]] for a maximum stay of
90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a travel document, valid for at least 4
months upon arrival, issued to refugees or stateless persons
by another Schengen Member State [[TIRGL/SCHN]] for a maximum
stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a subsidiary protection travel document
issued by Hungary, Romania and Spain if the nationality in
the machine readable zone is "XXA", "XXB" or "XXC" for a
maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a subsidiary protection travel document
issued by Bulgaria if the nationality in the machine
readable zone is "XXC" for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE
NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with an Alien's passport issued by Estonia and
Latvia for a maximum stay of 90 days. (SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
- Passengers with a Laissez-Passer issued by the European
Union [[TIRGL/EEU]].
- Passengers with a Laissez-Passer issued by the United
Nations traveling on duty for a maximum stay of 90 days.
(SEE NOTE 53546)
NOTE 53546: The maximum stay is granted within 180 days.
TWOV (Transit Without Visa):
- Nationals of Jordan with a diplomatic passport transiting
through Frankfurt (FRA) or Munich (MUC), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight within 12 hours to a third country which is not a
Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or
Munich (MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with
a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours to
Australia, Israel or New Zealand. They must:
- have a visa issued by Australia, Israel or New Zealand,
- travel to the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or
Munich (MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with
a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours to a
third country which is not a Schengen Member State. They
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or
Munich (MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with
a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours to
Jordan. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Australia,
Israel or New Zealand, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or
Munich (MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with
a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours to a
third country which is not a Schengen Member State. They
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or
Munich (MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with
a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours to a
third country which is not a Schengen Member State. They
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey with a diplomatic passport transiting through
Frankfurt (FRA) or Munich (MUC), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight within 24 hours to a third country which is not a
Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or Munich (MUC),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 24 hours to a third
country which is not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or Munich (MUC),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 24 hours to a third
country which is not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or Munich (MUC),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 24 hours to a third
country which is not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Frankfurt
(FRA) or Munich (MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen Member
State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 24
hours to a third country which is not a Schengen Member
State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Frankfurt
(FRA) or Munich (MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen Member
State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 24
hours to a third country which is not a Schengen Member
State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers transiting through Frankfurt (FRA) or Munich
(MUC), arriving from a non-Schengen
Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight
within 24 hours to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to nationals of
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan,
Syria and Turkey.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to passengers with a
travel document issued to refugees or stateless persons by
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,
Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria and Turkey.
- Nationals of Jordan with a diplomatic passport transiting
through Hamburg (HAM), arriving from a non-Schengen Member
State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 12
hours departing between 04:30 and 23:30 to a third country
which is not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Hamburg (HAM),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
04:30 and 23:30 to Australia, Israel or New Zealand. They
- have a visa issued by Australia, Israel or New Zealand,
- travel to the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Hamburg (HAM),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
04:30 and 23:30 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Hamburg (HAM),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
04:30 and 23:30 to Jordan. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Australia,
Israel or New Zealand, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Hamburg (HAM),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
04:30 and 23:30 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Hamburg (HAM),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
04:30 and 23:30 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey with a diplomatic passport transiting through Hamburg
(HAM), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 04:30 and 23:30
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Hamburg (HAM), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 04:30 and 23:30 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Hamburg (HAM), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 04:30 and 23:30 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Hamburg (HAM), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 04:30 and 23:30 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Hamburg
(HAM), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 04:30 and 23:30
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Hamburg
(HAM), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 04:30 and 23:30
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers transiting through Hamburg (HAM), arriving from a
Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight
between 04:30 and 23:30 to a third country which is not a
Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to nationals of
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan,
Syria and Turkey.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to passengers with a
travel document issued to refugees or stateless persons by
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,
Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey.
- Nationals of Jordan with a diplomatic passport transiting
through Dusseldorf (DUS), arriving from a non-Schengen
Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight
within 12 hours departing between 06:00 and 21:00 to a third
country which is not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 21:00 to Australia, Israel or New Zealand. They
- have a visa issued by Australia, Israel or New Zealand,
- travel to the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 21:00 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 21:00 to Jordan. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Australia,
Israel or New Zealand, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 21:00 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 21:00 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey with a diplomatic passport transiting through
Dusseldorf (DUS), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State
with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 06:00
and 21:00 to a third country which is not a Schengen Member
State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 06:00 and 21:00 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 06:00 and 21:00 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 06:00 and 21:00 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Dusseldorf
(DUS), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 06:00 and 21:00
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Dusseldorf
(DUS), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 06:00 and 21:00
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers transiting through Dusseldorf (DUS), arriving
from a non-Schengen
Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight
between 06:00 and 21:00 to a third country which is not a
Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to nationals of
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan,
Syria and Turkey.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to passengers with a
travel document issued to refugees or stateless persons by
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,
Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey.
- Nationals of Jordan with a diplomatic passport transiting
through Berlin (TXL), arriving from a non-Schengen Member
State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight within 12
hours departing between 06:00 and 23:00 to a third country
which is not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Berlin (TXL),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 23:00 to Australia, Israel or New Zealand. They
- have a visa issued by Australia, Israel or New Zealand,
- travel to the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Berlin (TXL),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 23:00 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Berlin (TXL),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 23:00 to Jordan. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Australia,
Israel or New Zealand, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Berlin (TXL),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 23:00 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Jordan transiting through Berlin (TXL),
arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed
onward ticket for a flight within 12 hours departing between
06:00 and 23:00 to a third country which is not a Schengen
Member State. They must:
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey with a diplomatic passport transiting through Berlin
(TXL), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 06:00 and 23:00
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Berlin (TXL), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 06:00 and 23:00 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Berlin (TXL), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 06:00 and 23:00 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria and
Turkey transiting through Berlin (TXL), arriving from a
non-Schengen Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for
a flight between 06:00 and 23:00 to a third country which is
not a Schengen Member State. They must:
- have a residence permit issued by Andorra, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, San
Marino, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Berlin
(TXL), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 06:00 and 23:00
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- have a visa issued by Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus,
Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA or United Kingdom, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers with a travel document issued to refugees or
stateless persons by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey transiting through Berlin
(TXL), arriving from a non-Schengen Member State with a
confirmed onward ticket for a flight between 06:00 and 23:00
to a third country which is not a Schengen Member State.
They must:
- have a used, valid or expired visa issued by Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Japan, Romania, USA
or United Kingdom, and
- be returning from the country that issued the visa, and
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- Passengers transiting through Berlin (TXL), arriving from a
Member State with a confirmed onward ticket for a flight
between 06:00 and 23:00 to a third country which is not a
Schengen Member State. They must:
- stay in the international transit area of the airport, and
- have documents required for their next destination.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to nationals of
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan,
Syria and Turkey.
- This TWOV facility does not apply to passengers with a
travel document issued to refugees or stateless persons by
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Congo (Dem. Rep.),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,
Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri
Lanka, Sudan, Syria or Turkey.
- Warning:
When nationals of Pakistan travel with a non-machine
readable passport, they must have a national ID card.
- This does not apply when they are returning to Pakistan.
- Warning:
For TWOV through Dusseldorf (DUS): before departure,
passenger's name, itinerary, date and nationality must be
sent by the carrier to immigration at
Tel: 49 211 421 63695. SITA Telex DUSOVXH.
- Warning:
For TWOV through Berlin (TXL): before departure, passenger's
name, itinerary, date, nationality and seat number must be
sent by the carrier to the handling agent by fax or SITA
Telex and to the airport authorities by SITA Telex TXLVZXH.
The minimum connecting time is 75 minutes.
- Warning:
TWOV is not possible at Berlin (TXL) when connecting to or
from a flight operated by United Airlines (UA).
- Warning:
Passengers with a Notice of Action or an Authorization for
Parole (Form I-512) are not allowed to transit without a
- Additional Information:
Hotel accommodation is available within the non-Schengen
transit area of Frankfurt Airport (FRA).
Merchant Seamen:
- Visa required, except for Merchant Seamen who are nationals
of Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina,
Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Canada,
Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rep.,
Denmark, Dominica, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland (Rep.), Israel, Italy, Japan, Kiribati,
Korea (Rep.), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malaysia, Malta, Marshall Isl., Mauritius, Mexico,
Micronesia (Federated States), Monaco, Montenegro,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, North Macedonia (Rep.),
Norway, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Samoa, San Marino, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Solomon Isl., Spain, St. Kitts and Nevis, St.
Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sweden, Switzerland,
Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, USA, United
Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vatican City (Holy See) and
- Visa required, except for Merchant Seamen with a British
- Visa required, except for Merchant Seamen who are nationals
of Georgia, Moldova (Rep.) and Ukraine with a normal
biometric passport (with an electronic chip symbol on the
- Visa required, except for Merchant Seamen who are nationals
of Serbia with a normal passport not issued by the
Coordination Directorate ( Koordinaciona uprava ).
- Visa required, except for Merchant Seamen with a Chinese
Taipei (on the cover: Republic of China Taiwan) passport
with a personal ID number shown on the bio-data page of the
- Visa required, except for Merchant Seamen with a Hong Kong
(SAR China) passport.
- Visa required, except for Merchant Seamen with a Macao (SAR
China) passport.
Crew Members:
- Visa not required if holding a Crew Member
License/Certificate which is issued according to the Chicago
Convention of 7 December 1944.
Those with a Crew Member License/Certificate which is not
issued according to the Chicago Convention of 7 December
1944, will be issued with a permit for entry Fee: EUR 15.- .
For those without a Crew Member License/Certificate, same
regulations as for passengers apply.
- Visa not required for:
a. dependants of members of NATO Forces stationed in Germany
holding proof of status; or
b. dependants (of any nationality) of US military personnel
stationed in Germany holding a valid Status of Forces
Agreement (SOFA) Identification document; or
c. civil attendants being a national of a NATO country.
Additional Information:
- Family members of a national of an EEA Member State or
Switzerland, with a residence permit issued by Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland (Rep.), Romania or United Kingdom
are allowed a total stay of 90 days in a period of 180 days.
- Valid visas in full or expired travel documents are accepted
if accompanied by a new travel document. However a new
travel document is not required when the valid visa is in a
full but still valid travel document.
- Extension of stay possible for nationals of Australia,
Canada, Israel, Japan, Korea (Rep.), New Zealand and USA
with a normal passport.
- Nationals of Andorra, El Salvador, Honduras, Monaco or San
Marino can extend their stay after entry if not taking up
- Valid permanent residence permits issued by Germany in full
or expired travel documents are accepted if accompanied by a
new travel document. However a new travel document is not
required when the valid residence permit is in a full but
still valid travel document.
- If having already visited another Schengen Member State
[[TIRGL/SCHN]] , nationals of Brazil, Chile, El Salvador,
Honduras, Monaco, Panama, or San Marino are permitted a max.
stay of 90 days in Germany, irrespective of the number of
days spent in the previous Schengen Member State.
- Pupils residing in Liechtenstein or an EU Member State
[[TIRGL/EEU]] do not need a visa if:
- traveling as part of a school group within the EU or
Liechtenstein; and
- school group is accompanied by a teacher; and
- being listed on a common format "List of Travellers" (LOT)
stamped by the school.
A passport is not required if the "List of Travellers" (LOT)
contains a photo of the pupil AND is authenticated by the
country of residence. Please note: not all EU Member States
issue this type of LOT.
- Passengers with a residence permit issued by Germany must
return to Germany within 6 months, otherwise the residence
permit will automatically expire. This does not apply to
passengers with:
- a permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis); or
- a special authorization issued by the German Alien's
- Visitors not holding return/onward tickets [[TIRULES/R38]] co
uld be refused entry (SEE NOTE 5152) (SEE NOTE 34853).
NOTE 5152: Nationals of the EEA Member States [[TIRGL/EEA]]
, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand,
Switzerland or the USA are exempted from the requirement to
hold return/onward tickets.
NOTE 34853: Residents of EEA Member States [[TIRGL/EEA]] or
Switzerland are exempted from the requirement to hold
return/onward tickets.
- A visa issued in a non-biometric Congo (Dem. Rep.) passport
is accepted to enter Germany if the passenger also has a
biometric passport (with an electronic chip symbol on the
- Multiple-entry visas issued by Switzerland which contain an
"M" instead of "MULT" in the "Number of Entries" field of
the visa are accepted to enter.
- Union Citizens are nationals of an EEA Member State and
Switzerland who moved from the country of nationality to
reside in another EEA Member State or in Switzerland.
The visa exemption for family members of a Union Citizen
applies if:
- they travel with or to join the Union Citizen, and
- the residence permit is issued by:
-- the country of residence, which must be different from
the country of nationality of the Union Citizen, or
-- the country of nationality of the Union Citizen, if the
Union Citizen and family member returned within 6 months
after departing from the country of residence.
19 Aug 2019 / 23:17 [UTC]