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Smurf Bar

Was hört ihr gerne? Volume II


November back im Seebad
28 März 2016
Obwohl ich mich mit neuen Sachen öfters schwer tue... aber das war damals (Anfang 2000´er) eine völlig neue Erfahrung gewesen.
Die offensichtliche pure Gewalt in den Song war Hammer. Live nochmal ne ganze Ecke deftiger als uff Pladde.
Die neuen Sachen der Band sind dagegen eher langweilig....

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Reaktionen: Taldren


Hat nix anderes zu tun
10 Oktober 2022
wo hast du das her ?


bin bei YT drauf gestoßen,

in einem Kommentar darunter hieß es..

"The Monsters of Rock concert was a free concert put on by the Russian government. It was held at the Tushino Airfield in Moscow, during the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They estimated 1.6 million attendees. Being American I was not allowed to go but I was in the US Embassy about 3 miles away. If you look at the crowds those structures you see are actually speaker towers. The concert was so loud that inside the Embassy we still measured the sounds at an average of 96db. According to an official memo received by the Embassy in following days, there were 54 deaths attributed to the concert and the following day over 126k people were treated for hearing loss. And those helicopters you referenced had a dual purpose, one was to move the air around in the crowd and also be on standby in case an emergency rescue was needed. Also, the Russian military was doing security. "
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Reaktionen: Mr.Devil