Ich bin gestern über die folgende Meldung gestolpert. Und vielleicht ist das ja auch für einige hier interessant (ich hoffe das hier ist das richtige Forum).
Laut dem medizinischen Fachmagazin „The Lancet“ breitet sich ein medikamentenresistenter Malariaerreger in Südostasien aus:
In der Karte, die am Beitrag hängt, kann man sehen, dass auch Teile von Thailand betroffen sind:

Laut dem medizinischen Fachmagazin „The Lancet“ breitet sich ein medikamentenresistenter Malariaerreger in Südostasien aus:
Spread of a single multidrug resistant malaria parasite lineage (PfPailin) to Vietnam
The spread of artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum and the subsequent loss of partner antimalarial drugs in the Greater Mekong subregion1 presents one of the greatest threats to the control and elimination of malaria. Artemisinin resistance is associated with mutations in the PfKelch gene. Initially multiple independent Kelch mutations were observed, but in a recent sinister development, a single dominant artemisinin-resistant P falciparum C580Y mutant lineage has arisen in western Cambodia, outcompeted the other resistant malaria parasites, and subsequently acquired resistance to piperaquine. Cambodia had adopted dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as first-line antimalarial treatment, but has now been forced to switch its first line artemisinin combination treatment back to artesunate-mefloquine as a consequence. This dominant multidrug-resistant parasite lineage, identified first in Pailin in western Cambodia and tentatively denoted as PfPailin, then spread to northeastern Thailand and southern Laos. We now find that the PfPailin lineage, with associated piperaquine resistance (evidenced by amplification in the PfPlasmepsin gene), has spread to the south of Vietnam where it is responsible for alarming rates of failure of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine—the National first-line treatment (figure). Microsatellite typing of 86 of 152 P falciparum isolates from the Binh Phuoc locality in 2016 shows the same flanking sequence surrounding the PfKelch C580Y gene as that observed in parasites from the affected areas of the other three Greater Mekong subregion countries.2 The evolution and subsequent transnational spread of this single fit multidrug-resistant malaria parasite lineage is of international concern.
In der Karte, die am Beitrag hängt, kann man sehen, dass auch Teile von Thailand betroffen sind: