Neues vom Dienstag den 6.7.2021
Delta-Variante übernimmt in Bangkok, breitet sich auf 46 andere Provinzen aus
The COVID-19 Delta variant has been found in more than half of the samples received recently from Bangkok, and has spread to 46 other provinces across the country, according to the Department of Medical Sciences today (Monday). Of the 936 samples collected over the past week in Bangkok, the Delta...
Der Vorsitzende des Royal College of Physicians of Thailand, Air Marshal Dr. Anutra Chittinandana, fordert die Thailänder angesichts der beunruhigenden Zahl von COVID-Patienten in allgemeinen Krankenhäusern auf, eine freiwillige vollständige Sperrung einzugehen, um sich vor COVID-19 zu schützen .
7.347 Hotelbuchungen auf Phuket im Juli.
Dr Kusak responded after his office was flooded with calls after the Starbucks COVID alert. Image: PR Phuket By The Phuket News PHUKET: Phuket Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO) Chief Dr Kusak Kukiattikoon has gone public to confirm that only one person confirmed as infected with COVID-19 has...
Da die Länder die Risiken von mRNA-Impfstoffen abwägen, treibt Thailand den Kauf von Pfizer voran
By Pear Maneechote Thailand is set to import at least 20 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine by the end of the year in a bid to curb the country’s worst coronavirus outbreak yet. But with several countries investigating reports of the mRNA vaccine’s side effects on young adults, it is still the b...
Thailand meldete am Dienstag (6. Juli) 5.420 neue COVID-19-Fälle und 57 zusätzliche Todesfälle in den letzten 24 Stunden.
Reuters file photo Thailand on Tuesday (July 6) reported 5,420 new COVID-19 cases and 57 additional deaths over the past 24 hours. ● 5,383 new infections ● 37 prison / prison infections Tuesday’s cases bring the total number of COVID-19 infections in Thailand to 294,653 with 2,333 deaths. (Total ...
Der thailändische Premierminister tritt in die Selbstisolierungsquarantäne, nachdem er letzte Woche einen mit Covid-19 infizierten Geschäftsmann kontaktiert hat, als er die Zeremonie der „Phuket Sandbox“ besuchte
Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O’Cha today, July 5th, was sent to self-isolation quarantine after contacting the chairman of the Surin Chamber of Commerce who recently tested positive for Covid-19 while attending the “Phuket Sandbox” opening ceremony last Thursday, July 1st. The Prime Minister w...