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PHUKET: A 34-year-old Swedish man has been arrested by Immigration officers in Phuket and is facing deportation for collaborating in the production of narcotics.
Die Behörden von Phuket haben auf den Vorfall mit dem schwarzen Wasser reagiert, das an einem Strand ins Meer geflossen ist.Die Behörden wurden am Sonntag auf die schwarzen Abwässer am Karon Beach in der Nähe des Nong Harn Sees aufmerksam.In einem Bericht des Phuket-Büros der Abteilung für...
In Phuket, Thailand, wurde eine neue Initiative namens „Red Card“-System gestartet, um gegen schlechtes Benehmen oder Gesetzesverstöße durch Ausländer vorzugehen. Die Initiative wurde gestern von Praphansak Prasansuk, einem hochrangigen Einwanderungsbeamten, auf einer Pressekonferenz angekündigt, an der eine Horde hochrangiger Beamter teilnahm.
By Peter Roche A new initiative called the “Red Card” system has been launched in Phuket, Thailand, to crack down on bad behaviour or law-breaking by foreigners. The initiative was announced by Praphansak Prasansuk, a senior Immigration officer, at a press conference attended by a horde of high-r...
Phuket, eines der beliebtesten Urlaubs- und Ruhestandsziele Südostasiens, hat eine reiche Geschichte, die bis ins 13. Jahrhundert zurückreicht, als thailändische Armeen aus Sukhothai vom Sirivijaya-Reich mit Sitz in Sumatra die Kontrolle über die Insel übernahmen.
Bungalow on Patong Beach in the 1980s PHOTO: Bungalow on Patong Beach in the early 1980s By Peter Roche Phuket, one of Southeast Asia’s most popular holiday and retirement destinations, has a rich history dating back to the 13th century when Thai armies from Sukhothai took control of the island f...
Laut dem thailändischen Real Estate Information Center (REIC) besitzen russische Staatsbürger fast 40 % der Eigentumswohnungen in ausländischem Besitz in Phuket mit einem Gesamtwert von rund 880 Millionen Baht.
By Peter Roche According to Thailand’s Real Estate Information Centre (REIC), Russian citizens own almost 40% of foreign-owned condominiums in Phuket, valued around a combined 880 million baht. Russians have become the primary condo buyers in Phuket, surpassing the Chinese. Since the Russian inva...
By Goongnang Suksawat Phuket – The ‘Songkran No Alcohol Event’ will be held in Phuket Town next month. The Phuket Provincial Administration Organisation (PPAO) President Mr. Rewat Areerob told The Phuket Express on Wednesday (March 8th) about the event. “The Songkran No Alcohol 2023 event will be...
PHUKET: Officials apprehended and handed over to police a hookah venue ‘manager’ after a raid on Bangla Rd last night (Mar 10). A total of 52 hookah sets along with other equipment and shisha were
PHUKET: As announced by the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD), the country officially entered the hottest season from Mar 5 meaning hotter and drier weather as well as increased risk of fires. The
Phuket – Der Tourismus in Phuket hat sich schnell erholt, aber es werden noch 17.000 Mitarbeiter benötigt, da immer mehr ausländische Touristen kommen.
By Goongnang Suksawat Phuket – Phuket tourism has rapidly recovered but 17,000 staffers are still needed as more foreign tourists are coming. The President of the Thai Hotel Association Southern Chapter Mr. Sueksit Suwandissakun told Thai media, “Phuket tourism has rapidly recovered since the mid...
Phuket ist eine wunderschöne Insel in der Andamanensee, im Gegensatz zu Samui, Koh Chang, Koh Pha Nga, Koh Tao oder Koh Same… die alle im Golf von Thailand liegen.
Yellow card red card PhuketYellow card and red cards being issued in Phuket By Peter Roche Phuket’s new ‘red’ and ‘yellow’ card system has resulted in warnings and arrests for several foreigners. The system, launched earlier this month, has indeed been implemented, without details, and is aimed a...
Laut der Phuket Real Estate Association genießt die Inselprovinz ein „goldenes Jahr“ für Immobilienverkäufe, da sich Eigentumswohnungen und Luxusvillen in der „Boom“-Phase des üblichen Boom-Bust-Zyklus der Insel befinden. Der Präsident des Verbands, Phattanan Phisutvimol, sagt, dass die Immobilienverkäufe zugenommen haben, seit Covid-19 im vergangenen Jahr nachgelassen hat.
PHOTO: Flickr/Bertrand Duperrin The Phuket Real Estate Association says the island province is enjoying a “golden year” for property sales, as condos and luxury villas are in the ‘boom’ phase of the island’s usual boom-bust cycle. The association’s president, Phattanan Phisutvimol, says property ...
Phuket – Der erste Charterflug von Mahan Air mit Sitz im Iran kam am Phuket International Airport an.
By Goongnang Suksawat Phuket – The first charter flight from Mahan Air, based in Iran, arrived at Phuket International Airport. Yesterday, (March 20th), at Phuket International Airport, officials and staff welcomed the first charter flight from Mahan Air in Iran, a flight from Tehran, Iran. Full ...
Russische und chinesische Käufer treiben die Immobilienpreise in die Höhe und drängen Einheimische aus dem Markt
Laut dem unabhängigen Immobilienmakler und Beratungsunternehmen Knight Frank verzeichnet Phuket eine starke Nachfrage nach Immobilien, die hauptsächlich auf die Rückkehr russischer und chinesischer Käufer zurückzuführen ist. Ja, es ist der Immobilienboom 2023.
PHUKET: A long-time expatriate resident of Phuket died after developing a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting sustained while riding home on his motorbike in Rawai yesterday (Mar 30). The man’s
PHUKET: Authorities have told the operators of a lavish floating beach club that they will not receive permission to open until more safety and environmental standards are met.
PHUKET: The Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) will consider bundling the Patong Tunnel project with the project to build the Muang Mai - Koh Kaew - Kathu Expressway after no bids were entered by
PHUKET: Companies bidding to complete the B17 billion Patong Tunnel have until 3pm, April 7 to formally enter their bids, Surachet Laopoolsuk, Governor of the Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT),
PHUKET: Police have arrested a 25-year-old man for driving his car into motorbikes parked alongside Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi Rd in Patong on Monday night (Apr 24), injuring several people in the process.
BANGKOK: To avoid unnecessary incidents or complications, alcohol sales will be banned throughout Thailand on the day of early voting and Election Day next month, it was confirmed yesterday (Apr 26).
“Russians in Phuket are known for their bad behaviour,” Stefan Zich, manager of a large hotel off the coast of Phuket, told the Star. Drunkenness, debauchery, violence and traffic accidents are rife in the “Russian-occupied” zones of the island, he alleged.
Nurses at the hospital in Patong, a popular Russian destination on the island, said they are seeing increasing numbers of people suffering from alcohol poisoning and involved in traffic accidents. Russians top the list of arrests in Phuket for crimes including theft, recklessness causing death and drug smuggling, according to provincial police reports in local media.
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