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Massengrab vor Satthahip entdeckt


Überzeugter Isaanist
21 Oktober 2008
Paradise Isaan
nana...heldin unterm schutz des koenigs ....ein bissl dick aufgetragen...auf jeden Fall is sie ne gnadenlose selbstvermarkterin,die keinem fotoapparat oder keiner tv talkshowkamera ausm weg geht und dadurch ne grosse volkspopularitaet besitzt...

Ob und ab wann man jemanden als Held bezeichnet, das sei natürlich dahin gestellt.

Aber das mit dem Schutz des Königshauses stimmt.

Das letzte mit den Shows natürlich auch, aber das eine muß das andere ja nicht ausschließen.


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Inaktiver Member
16 November 2008
sie hat thaksin in den arsch getretten für seinen kampf gegen die drogenmafia.
dort wurden tausende von menschen umgebracht, ob schuldig oder unschuldig.

zu dieser zeit wurde auch ein attentat auf sie verübt.

The Stig

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11 April 2009
Wo der Pfeffer wächst...

The Stig

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11 April 2009
Wo der Pfeffer wächst...
Porntip seeks quick move on container

Published on May 17, 2009

Forensics director offers two alternatives to check contents

Science director Porntip Rojanasunan yesterday urged a quick decision from the government to ensure that the truth about a mysterious shipping container on the Chon Buri seabed, rumoured to contain human skeletons, would be known this month.Leading a team to inspect Samae San Bay in Chon Buri's Sattahip district, Porntip said two methods of inspection were on the table.
One was to cut open the container, believed from the coral growth to have been lying there for 20 years, and use a camera to survey it. The other was to lift the container out of the water and then open it.
The latter method would cost at least Bt10 million and might destroy fertile corals covering the container, she said.
Porntip said they had not cut it open on Friday as they feared the container might have explosives in it and they would first use a GT 200 bomb-detecter to check it.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister"http://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/adsearch.php?keyword=%2BAbhisit%2BVejjajiva%2B"] Abhisit Vejjajiva [/URL]said he had assigned officials to assess the possibility of cutting open the container and using cameras to survey as it seemed on the face of it the more practicable way.
Regarding reports that many more containers were under the sea, Porntip said she could not confirm that.
Villagers have confirmed the existence of this container.
Since this is not a normal sea-lane, it is impossible to assume that an accident led to the sinking of the container, she said.
It is more likely that it was intentionally dumped, possibly for disposal of a dangerous substance, she added.
Regarding discovery of skulls, she said it was her personal view that they could be the remains of immigrant workers.

The previous suspicion that they might be from the May 1992 incident is not totally ruled out yet, she |added.
Porntip said that if the government made a quick decision, the truth should be known this month. As for the search for other containers, which the Navy minesweeper boats were asked to do, when to start should be known on Monday, she added.
Meanwhile, local residents who asked not to be named said seven containers had been detected by the radar of trawlers and urged the investigation to proceed without pleading budget restraints.
"If the government does not act, and soon, we the people will open the containers ourselves," they said.
They suspect that the container Porntip is working on contains dangerous substances or chemicals, as rumour has it that toxins from Rayong were regularly dumped. But the other six containers remain a mystery because fat has reportedly leaked out of them and come to the surface, they said.

The Stig

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11 April 2009
Wo der Pfeffer wächst...
PM says container not related to May 1992 bloodshed

Prime Minister"http://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/adsearch.php?keyword=+Abhisit+Vejjajiva+"] Abhisit Vejjajiva [/URL]said Sunday that a mysterious shipping container on the Chon Buri seabed should have nothing to do with the May 1992 bloodshed.

Speaking during his weekly TV programme, Abhisit said an initial test found that the container appeared to be 20 years old while the Black May bloodshed happened 17 years ago.

Rumours had it that the containers contained bodies of those killed when soldiers opened fire on pro-democracy protesters in May 1992.

Quelle: The Nation

Vermutlich doch eher Überreste, aus dem Krieg im Jahre 1431, als die Könige von Ayutthaya, das Reich der Khmer endgültig zerstörten...:ironie

The Stig

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11 April 2009
Wo der Pfeffer wächst...
Man sucht wohl gerade eine thailändische Lösung, um alles "vergessen" zu machen.

Seawater will be checked to see if it's safe for divers

on the seabed off Chon Buri's Sattahip district will focus on their external conditions and surroundings first, Justice Ministry permanent secretary Kittipong Kittayarak said yesterday. He said the containers would not be lifted or drilled at this stage.

"We will try to locate all the containers first and compare their external condition. We will also collect seawater samples from the locations where the containers are found to check whether it's safe for divers to be around there," Kittipong said.

Currently, only one container has been located. Locals insist there are many others around the area.

Kittipong was speaking after he chaired a meeting on how to solve the containers' puzzle.

"We have not ruled out any possible scenario about how the containers have come to rest on the seabed," Kittipong said.

Rumours spread that the containers might have been packed with the bodies of the Black May victims. In May 1992, dozens of protesters went missing when soldiers cracked down on the pro-democracy uprising. The incident has been referred to as Black May.

However, many people guess the containers might have contained the bodies of human-trafficking victims. Some others believe there is toxic or industrial waste in the containers.

Officials from the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS), Customs Department, Pollution Control Department, and Fine Arts Department have joined hands in solving the source of the containers.

"We need to consult all relevant agencies," CIFS director Khunying Porntip Rojanasunun said.

She said relevant officials would make a careful plan before making another diving trip to the seabed.

"Each trip costs Bt500,000 in petrol costs for the boat. The rent of related equipment is also Bt20,000 an hour," Porntip said. ;)

She suggested that relatives of Black May Heroes should contact and provide information on their cases to CIFS to facilitate the search process.

"We have technology to produce a facial picture of a person based on a skull we have found," Porntip said.

DSI deputy director-general Narat Sawettanant said there was no information to link the containers to skulls netted by fishermen in the area.

In a separate interview, the Royal Thai Navy's Chief Admiral Kamthorn Pumhirun said skulls found in the sea could have come from many possible causes.

"When big storms like Gay and Linda hit, hundreds of fishermen went missing. Their bodies have also never been found," Kamthorn said.

Quelle: The Nation


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Inaktiver Member
22 Oktober 2008
AW: Massengrab vor Satthahip entdeckt

in den 80ger Jahren sattelten viele thailändische Fischer auf Piratenjobs um, und machten Jagd auf die Goldmitbringsel der vietnamesischen Boatpeople, die in Massen an die Küsten kamen.

meinst du, die haben zusammengelegt und zur Entsorgung Container gekauft? :k


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23 Februar 2009
AW: Massengrab vor Satthahip entdeckt

Danke, funnysiam :JC_gimmefive: