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News Die Chinesen kommen


make the girls happy....
10 September 2017
Zum Video fällt mir nur ein: What a fuck !!! Shit City - statt Smart City.

Ich war vor zwei Jahren da und da waren die Chinesen schon da - wahnsinn, soviel neue Hochhäuser....ich hab die Stadt nicht wiedererkannt.

Die handeln wie eine Besatzungsmacht, kaufen die Stadt auf, schmeißen die Einwohner raus - überall und machen daraus CHINA-CITY ! Das erinnert mich an die Orks aus Herr der Ringe. Schade, schade, schade - und unveranwortlich von Seiten der Regierung ! Da ist wohl viel Schmiergeld geflossen auch zu diesen idotischen Goveraneur, ein totaler Vollidiot - der wohl nur noch Dollarzeichen sieht.


Kein anderes Hobby?
25 Dezember 2013
Ich weiss: 1) Ist in Englisch, aber der gehobene Pattayadeutsche hat ja google mit Uebersetzer und die handy-meister sind uns eh scheissegal 2) billig, aber trotzdem wahr. Die Realitaet ueberholt manchmal selbst die Bildzeitung. :))

Three foreigners arrested in Kandal over torture, murder
Kim Sarom | Publication date 24 January 2020 | 13:47 ICT

Kandal provincial police on Thursday sent three Chinese nationals to the provincial court for allegedly torturing and killing a fellow countryman over an unpaid debt. Police
Kandal provincial police on Thursday sent three Chinese nationals to the provincial court for allegedly torturing and killing a fellow countryman over an unpaid debt.
On Wednesday, Ang Snuol district police posted an update about the case on Facebook, noting that they arrested suspects Song Weiguang, 35, Bi Chunnian, 58, and Jia Haiping on Wednesday for torturing and killing victim Liu Janping. They also seized handcuffs and five cars.

“According to the answers from the suspects, they found the victim on Tuesday at a factory selling electronic devices in Ang Snuol district.
“The suspects went inside and told the victim to pay the $160,000 that the victim owed for purchasing electronic materials. But the victim refused to pay and then it turned violent.

“They tied the hands of the victim, put him in the back of a car and began transporting him to the Ministry of Interior. But when they arrived at Phnom Penh International Airport, the rope on the victim’s hands broke.
“Bi then pacified the victim, pressing his hand over his mouth and down on his chest, leading to his death,” the Facebook post said.
Kandal provincial police serious crime office head Chao Vuthy said on Thursday that another Chinese national had witnessed the incident and reported it to the police.
He said the suspects were bringing the victim to the Ministry of Interior to seek police intervention over the debt.
He said there were bruises on many parts of the victim’s body, including two broken teeth. He said police concluded that the victim died of suffocation and torture.
Vuthy said the suspects were sent to court on Thursday but it had not yet pressed any charges.

Es gab zuvor noch eine klasse Verfolgungsjagd:

At 8:30 am, January 21, 2020 - Trapeang Krasang village, Trapaing Krasaing commune, Ang Snoul district, Kandal province

A Chinese man was beaten to death and stuffed into the back of a car.

Lexus RX-470 Number 2L-8689.

The victim was the owner of a factory "Dylis Schweed" ??.

The police set up an intercept squad and the car was chased throughout Phnom Penh, until the Porsenchey Boys proved too much for the murdering thugs.





Hier eine schoenere Aufnahme von den kuenftigen Organspendern:

Also an unsere Jungs hier in der SM-Szene. Vorsicht bei Chinesen mit Handschellen, wird schon richtig weh tun, aber - leider- das ist nicht alles.
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